***DUE TO TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES AUDIO IS NOT AVAILABLE FOR THE BEGINNING OF THIS ITEM*** 1. CALL TO ORDER NOTICE OF OPTION TO RECESS INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the members of the City Council and to the general public that, at this regular meeting, the City Council may vote to go into executive session, which will not be open to the public, for legal advice and discussion with the City’s attorneys for legal advice on any item listed on the following agenda, pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.03(A)(3). 2. ROLL CALL NOTE: One or more Councilmembers may be in attendance telephonically or by other technological means. MAYOR NABOURS VICE MAYOR EVANS COUNCILMEMBER BAROTZ COUNCILMEMBER BREWSTER COUNCILMEMBER ORAVITS COUNCILMEMBER OVERTON COUNCILMEMBER WOODSON 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND MISSION STATEMENT MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the City of Flagstaff is to protect and enhance the quality of life of its citizens. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS A. Consideration and Approval of Minutes: City Council Budget Work Session of December 6, 2013; the Work Session of December 10, 2013; and the Regular Meeting of December 17, 2013. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Amend/approve the minutes of the City Council Budget Work Session of December 6, 2013; the Work Session of December 10, 2013; and the Regular Meeting of December 17, 2013. 5. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Public Participation enables the public to address the Council about an item that is not on the agenda (or is listed under Possible Future Agenda Items). Comments relating to items that are on the agenda will be taken at the time that the item is discussed. If you wish to address the Council at tonight's meeting, please complete a comment card and submit it to the recording clerk as soon as possible. Your name will be called when it is your turn to speak. You may address the Council up to three times throughout the meeting, including comments made during Public Participation. Please limit your remarks to three minutes per item to allow everyone an opportunity to speak. At the discretion of the Chair, ten or more persons present at the meeting and wishing to speak may appoint a representative who may have no more than fifteen minutes to speak. 6. PROCLAMATIONS AND RECOGNITIONS None 7. APPOINTMENTS Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the members of the City Council and to the general public that the City Council may vote to go into executive session, which will not be open to the public, for the purpose of discussing or considering employment, assignment, appointment, promotion, demotion, dismissal, salaries, disciplining or resignation of a public officer, appointee, or employee of any public body...., pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.03(A)(1). None 8. LIQUOR LICENSE PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Consideration and Action on Liquor License Application: Robert Nelson, “Fry's Food & Drug #104", 201 N. Switzer Canyon Dr., two Series 9S (liquor store), Sampling Privileges. RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1) Hold Public Hearing The City Council has the option to: 2) Forward the application to the State with a recommendation for approval; 3) Forward the application to the State with no recommendation; or 4) Forward the application to the State with a recommendation for denial based on the testimony received at the public hearing and/or other factors. 9. CONSENT ITEMS All matters under Consent Agenda are considered by the City Council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion approving the recommendations listed on the agenda. Unless otherwise indicated, expenditures approved by Council are budgeted items. A. Consideration and Approval of Contract: With Coconino County for bulk winter blend diesel Fuel, bid number 2014-04 to Pro Petroleum of Phoenix, Arizona in the amount of $.0035 per gallon below O.P.I.S. (Oil Prices Information Services). RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve the joint bid contract for Bulk Winter Blend Diesel Fuel with Pro Petroleum. 10. ROUTINE ITEMS A. Consideration / Adoption of Resolution No. 2013-33 and Ordinance No. 2013-26: A resolution of the City Council of the City of Flagstaff, Arizona declaring that certain document known as "The 2013 City Tax Code Amendments" as a Public Record, and providing for an effective date; and an ordinance of the City Council of the City of Flagstaff, Arizona, amending the Flagstaff City Code, Title 3, Business Regulations, Chapter 3-05, Privilege and Excise Taxes, by adopting “The 2013 City Tax Code Amendments” as set forth in that public record on file with the City Clerk; providing for penalties, repeal of conflicting ordinances, severability, authority for clerical corrections, and establishing effective dates. RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1) Adopt Resolution No. 2013-33 2) Read Ordinance No. 2013-26 by title only for the final time 3) City Clerk reads Ordinance No. 2013-26 by title only (if approved above) 4) Adopt Ordinance No. 2013-26
Consideration and Action on Establishment of Off-Track Wagering Facility: Vincent Francia "Turf Paradise" operating at "JAX Sports Bar", 101 S. San Francisco St. RECOMMENDED ACTION: The City Council has the option to: 1) Forward the application to the State with a recommendation for approval; 2) Forward the application to the State with no recommendation; or 3) Forward the application to the State with a recommendation for denial. RECESS
PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS A. Public Hearing: On Land Use Assumptions and Infrastructure Improvement Plan in support of updated Public Safety Development Fees (Impact Fees). RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1) Hold the Public Hearing 2) Schedule February 18, 2014, adoption of Land Use Assumptions and Infrastructure Improvement Plan
REGULAR AGENDA A. Consideration of items related to formation of the “FLAGSTAFF DOWNTOWN BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AND REVITALIZATION DISTRICT”: 1) Presentation of the Certificate of Receipt of Petitions; and 2) Consideration and Authorization for the City Manager to execute a certain document: "Petitions for adoption of a resolution declaring the intention to form the Flagstaff Downtown Business Improvement and Revitalization District;" and 3) Consideration and Adoption of Resolution No. 2014-03: A resolution of the City Council of the City of Flagstaff, Arizona, declaring its intention to form the "Flagstaff Downtown Business Improvement and Revitalization District," a Special Taxing District, and providing for a Public Hearing prior to formation of the District to consider any objections of property owners. RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1) Authorize the City Manager to execute a certain document titled "Petitions for adoption of a resolution declaring the intention to form the Flagstaff Downtown Business Improvement and Revitalization District;" and 2) Read Resolution No. 2014-03 by title only; and 3) City Clerk reads Resolution No. 2014-03 by title only (if approved above); and 4) Adopt Resolution No. 2014-03.
Consideration and Possible Adoption of Ordinance No. 2014-02: An ordinance of the Mayor and Council of the City of Flagstaff, Arizona, authorizing the exchange of certain properties: a 1.4 acre parcel owned by the City of Flagstaff (Coconino County Assessor's Parcel Number [APN] 107-13-012) and a 4.3 acre portion of a parcel owned by W.L. Gore and Associates (APN 107-16-007P). RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1) Read Ordinance No. 2014-02 for the first time by title only 2) City Clerk reads Ordinance No. 2014-02 by title only (if approved above) At the January 21, 2014, Council Meeting: 3) Read Ordinance No. 2014-02 by title only for the final time 4) City Clerk reads Ordinance No. 2014-02 by title only (if approved above) 5) Adopt Ordinance No. 2014-02
Consideration and Possible Approval of Agreement: With Flagstaff Shelter Services for Homeless-Shelter Services in an amount of $102,000. RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1) Approve the Agreement with Flagstaff Shelter Services in an amount of $102,000; and 2) Authorize the City Manager and Housing Section Staff to execute the documents that may be necessary from time to time under the Agreement.
Consideration and Possible Adoption of Ordinance No. 2014-03: An ordinance of the Council of the City of Flagstaff, Coconino County, Arizona, approving and authorizing the sale and issuance of City of Flagstaff, Arizona General Obligation Bonds, Series 2014A and General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2014B, in the total aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $34,300,000 and all matters related thereto; prescribing certain terms and conditions of such bonds including the delegation to the Management Services Director of the City to designate the final principal amount, maturities, interest rates and yields and other matters with respect to such bonds as well as certain matters with respect to certain bonds being refunded with the proceeds of the sale thereof; awarding a contract for the purchase of such bonds and ratifying the distribution of a Preliminary Official Statement and approving a final Official Statement. RECOMMENDED ACTION: At the January 7, 2014 Council Meeting: 1) Read Ordinance No. 2014-03 by title only for the first time 2) City Clerk reads Ordinance No. 2014-03 by title only for the first time (if approved above) At the January 21, 2014 Council Meeting: 3) Read Ordinance No. 2014-03 by title only for the final time 4) City Clerk reads Ordinance No. 2014-03 by title only for the final time (if approved above) 5) Adopt Ordinance No. 2014-03
Consideration and Possible Adoption of Ordinance No. 2014-01: Authorizing the sale of property located at 400 South Malpais Lane including the following parcels: Assessors Parcel Numbers 103-06-003B, 103-06-017A, 103-06-018A and 103-06-019. (Fire Station No. 7) RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1) Read Ordinance No. 2014-01 by title only for the first time 2) City Clerk reads Ordinance No. 2014-01 by title only (if approved above) At the January 21, 2014, Council Meeting: 3) Read Ordinance No. 2014-01 by title only for the final time 4) City Clerk reads Ordinance No. 2014-01 by title only (if approved above) 5) Adopt Ordinance No. 2014-01
***DUE TO TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES AUDIO IS NOT AVAILABLE FOR THE BEGINNING OF THIS ITEM*** 1. CALL TO ORDER NOTICE OF OPTION TO RECESS INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the members of the City Council and to the general public that, at this regular meeting, the City Council may vote to go into executive session, which will not be open to the public, for legal advice and discussion with the City’s attorneys for legal advice on any item listed on the following agenda, pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.03(A)(3). 2. ROLL CALL NOTE: One or more Councilmembers may be in attendance telephonically or by other technological means. MAYOR NABOURS VICE MAYOR EVANS COUNCILMEMBER BAROTZ COUNCILMEMBER BREWSTER COUNCILMEMBER ORAVITS COUNCILMEMBER OVERTON COUNCILMEMBER WOODSON 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND MISSION STATEMENT MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the City of Flagstaff is to protect and enhance the quality of life of its citizens. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS A. Consideration and Approval of Minutes: City Council Budget Work Session of December 6, 2013; the Work Session of December 10, 2013; and the Regular Meeting of December 17, 2013. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Amend/approve the minutes of the City Council Budget Work Session of December 6, 2013; the Work Session of December 10, 2013; and the Regular Meeting of December 17, 2013. 5. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Public Participation enables the public to address the Council about an item that is not on the agenda (or is listed under Possible Future Agenda Items). Comments relating to items that are on the agenda will be taken at the time that the item is discussed. If you wish to address the Council at tonight's meeting, please complete a comment card and submit it to the recording clerk as soon as possible. Your name will be called when it is your turn to speak. You may address the Council up to three times throughout the meeting, including comments made during Public Participation. Please limit your remarks to three minutes per item to allow everyone an opportunity to speak. At the discretion of the Chair, ten or more persons present at the meeting and wishing to speak may appoint a representative who may have no more than fifteen minutes to speak. 6. PROCLAMATIONS AND RECOGNITIONS None 7. APPOINTMENTS Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the members of the City Council and to the general public that the City Council may vote to go into executive session, which will not be open to the public, for the purpose of discussing or considering employment, assignment, appointment, promotion, demotion, dismissal, salaries, disciplining or resignation of a public officer, appointee, or employee of any public body...., pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.03(A)(1). None 8. LIQUOR LICENSE PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Consideration and Action on Liquor License Application: Robert Nelson, “Fry's Food & Drug #104", 201 N. Switzer Canyon Dr., two Series 9S (liquor store), Sampling Privileges. RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1) Hold Public Hearing The City Council has the option to: 2) Forward the application to the State with a recommendation for approval; 3) Forward the application to the State with no recommendation; or 4) Forward the application to the State with a recommendation for denial based on the testimony received at the public hearing and/or other factors. 9. CONSENT ITEMS All matters under Consent Agenda are considered by the City Council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion approving the recommendations listed on the agenda. Unless otherwise indicated, expenditures approved by Council are budgeted items. A. Consideration and Approval of Contract: With Coconino County for bulk winter blend diesel Fuel, bid number 2014-04 to Pro Petroleum of Phoenix, Arizona in the amount of $.0035 per gallon below O.P.I.S. (Oil Prices Information Services). RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve the joint bid contract for Bulk Winter Blend Diesel Fuel with Pro Petroleum. 10. ROUTINE ITEMS A. Consideration / Adoption of Resolution No. 2013-33 and Ordinance No. 2013-26: A resolution of the City Council of the City of Flagstaff, Arizona declaring that certain document known as "The 2013 City Tax Code Amendments" as a Public Record, and providing for an effective date; and an ordinance of the City Council of the City of Flagstaff, Arizona, amending the Flagstaff City Code, Title 3, Business Regulations, Chapter 3-05, Privilege and Excise Taxes, by adopting “The 2013 City Tax Code Amendments” as set forth in that public record on file with the City Clerk; providing for penalties, repeal of conflicting ordinances, severability, authority for clerical corrections, and establishing effective dates. RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1) Adopt Resolution No. 2013-33 2) Read Ordinance No. 2013-26 by title only for the final time 3) City Clerk reads Ordinance No. 2013-26 by title only (if approved above) 4) Adopt Ordinance No. 2013-26
Consideration and Action on Establishment of Off-Track Wagering Facility: Vincent Francia "Turf Paradise" operating at "JAX Sports Bar", 101 S. San Francisco St. RECOMMENDED ACTION: The City Council has the option to: 1) Forward the application to the State with a recommendation for approval; 2) Forward the application to the State with no recommendation; or 3) Forward the application to the State with a recommendation for denial. RECESS
PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS A. Public Hearing: On Land Use Assumptions and Infrastructure Improvement Plan in support of updated Public Safety Development Fees (Impact Fees). RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1) Hold the Public Hearing 2) Schedule February 18, 2014, adoption of Land Use Assumptions and Infrastructure Improvement Plan
REGULAR AGENDA A. Consideration of items related to formation of the “FLAGSTAFF DOWNTOWN BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AND REVITALIZATION DISTRICT”: 1) Presentation of the Certificate of Receipt of Petitions; and 2) Consideration and Authorization for the City Manager to execute a certain document: "Petitions for adoption of a resolution declaring the intention to form the Flagstaff Downtown Business Improvement and Revitalization District;" and 3) Consideration and Adoption of Resolution No. 2014-03: A resolution of the City Council of the City of Flagstaff, Arizona, declaring its intention to form the "Flagstaff Downtown Business Improvement and Revitalization District," a Special Taxing District, and providing for a Public Hearing prior to formation of the District to consider any objections of property owners. RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1) Authorize the City Manager to execute a certain document titled "Petitions for adoption of a resolution declaring the intention to form the Flagstaff Downtown Business Improvement and Revitalization District;" and 2) Read Resolution No. 2014-03 by title only; and 3) City Clerk reads Resolution No. 2014-03 by title only (if approved above); and 4) Adopt Resolution No. 2014-03.
Consideration and Possible Adoption of Ordinance No. 2014-02: An ordinance of the Mayor and Council of the City of Flagstaff, Arizona, authorizing the exchange of certain properties: a 1.4 acre parcel owned by the City of Flagstaff (Coconino County Assessor's Parcel Number [APN] 107-13-012) and a 4.3 acre portion of a parcel owned by W.L. Gore and Associates (APN 107-16-007P). RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1) Read Ordinance No. 2014-02 for the first time by title only 2) City Clerk reads Ordinance No. 2014-02 by title only (if approved above) At the January 21, 2014, Council Meeting: 3) Read Ordinance No. 2014-02 by title only for the final time 4) City Clerk reads Ordinance No. 2014-02 by title only (if approved above) 5) Adopt Ordinance No. 2014-02
Consideration and Possible Approval of Agreement: With Flagstaff Shelter Services for Homeless-Shelter Services in an amount of $102,000. RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1) Approve the Agreement with Flagstaff Shelter Services in an amount of $102,000; and 2) Authorize the City Manager and Housing Section Staff to execute the documents that may be necessary from time to time under the Agreement.
Consideration and Possible Adoption of Ordinance No. 2014-03: An ordinance of the Council of the City of Flagstaff, Coconino County, Arizona, approving and authorizing the sale and issuance of City of Flagstaff, Arizona General Obligation Bonds, Series 2014A and General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2014B, in the total aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $34,300,000 and all matters related thereto; prescribing certain terms and conditions of such bonds including the delegation to the Management Services Director of the City to designate the final principal amount, maturities, interest rates and yields and other matters with respect to such bonds as well as certain matters with respect to certain bonds being refunded with the proceeds of the sale thereof; awarding a contract for the purchase of such bonds and ratifying the distribution of a Preliminary Official Statement and approving a final Official Statement. RECOMMENDED ACTION: At the January 7, 2014 Council Meeting: 1) Read Ordinance No. 2014-03 by title only for the first time 2) City Clerk reads Ordinance No. 2014-03 by title only for the first time (if approved above) At the January 21, 2014 Council Meeting: 3) Read Ordinance No. 2014-03 by title only for the final time 4) City Clerk reads Ordinance No. 2014-03 by title only for the final time (if approved above) 5) Adopt Ordinance No. 2014-03
Consideration and Possible Adoption of Ordinance No. 2014-01: Authorizing the sale of property located at 400 South Malpais Lane including the following parcels: Assessors Parcel Numbers 103-06-003B, 103-06-017A, 103-06-018A and 103-06-019. (Fire Station No. 7) RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1) Read Ordinance No. 2014-01 by title only for the first time 2) City Clerk reads Ordinance No. 2014-01 by title only (if approved above) At the January 21, 2014, Council Meeting: 3) Read Ordinance No. 2014-01 by title only for the final time 4) City Clerk reads Ordinance No. 2014-01 by title only (if approved above) 5) Adopt Ordinance No. 2014-01