Discussion on the Proposed Transportation Commission Enabling Legislation Changes - Proposed City Ordinance 2013-06
Discuss the Results of the City’s review of the Wal Mart / Lucky Lane at Butler Avenue turn restriction island
A. Reports B. Informational Items to/from Commissioners and Staff 1. Commissioner discussion
C. Next Meeting 1. Regular Meeting: October 2, 2013; 4:00 PM Tentative Agenda Items: 1. None at this time V. ADJOURNMENT
Discussion on the Proposed Transportation Commission Enabling Legislation Changes - Proposed City Ordinance 2013-06
Discuss the Results of the City’s review of the Wal Mart / Lucky Lane at Butler Avenue turn restriction island
A. Reports B. Informational Items to/from Commissioners and Staff 1. Commissioner discussion
C. Next Meeting 1. Regular Meeting: October 2, 2013; 4:00 PM Tentative Agenda Items: 1. None at this time V. ADJOURNMENT