PRELIMINARY GENERAL BUSINESS PUBLIC COMMENT At this time any member of the public may address the Commission on any subject within the Commission’s jurisdiction that is not on this meeting’s agenda. The Arizona Open Meeting Law prohibits the Commission from discussing or taking action on an item that is not listed on the prepared agenda. Commissioners may, however, respond to criticism made by those addressing the Commission, ask staff to review a matter, or ask that a matter be placed on a future agenda. To address the Commission on an item that is on the agenda, please wait for the Chair to call for Public Comment at the time the item is heard. REORDER AGENDA APPROVAL OF MINUTES Regular Meeting of February 5, 2014 Special Meeting of March 26, 2014
II. NEW BUSINESS City of Flagstaff – Franklin Avenue Traffic Calming The City was contacted from residents in the area of the Franklin and O’leary intersection in late 2013. The concerns stemmed from a particular high profile vehicle crash at the intersection of Franklin and O’leary and the resident’s observation that the intersection had recently seen a dramatic increase in crashes. Staff conducted speed, volume and crash analysis studies of Franklin Avenue and it’s intersections between Lone Tree Road and San Francisco Street and found that speeds were moderate to acceptable on Franklin, but that the intersection of Franklin and O’leary had a crash rate roughly twice that of it’s peer intersections. Staff has now completed the analysis of Franklin Avenue and has developed several concepts that would reduce speeds on Franklin Avenue and improve the crash rate at the Franklin and O’leary intersection. Staff Recommendation: Action Item – review the staff presentation and discuss the project’s path forward and timeline. III. OLD BUSINESS – None
IV. CONCLUDING GENERAL BUSINESS A. Reports 1. Report from the Bicycle Advisory Committee: 2. Report from the Pedestrian Advisory Committee: 3. Status of Transportation Engineering Program Projects • General update presentation on several projects and work orders performed by Transportation Engineering Staff B. Informational Items to/from Commissioners and Staff 1. Commissioner discussion C. Next Meeting 1. Regular Meeting: August 6, 2014 Tentative Agenda Items: 1. Transportation Tax and Capital Program Updates 2. Franklin Avenue Traffic Calming Project V. ADJOURNMENT
PRELIMINARY GENERAL BUSINESS PUBLIC COMMENT At this time any member of the public may address the Commission on any subject within the Commission’s jurisdiction that is not on this meeting’s agenda. The Arizona Open Meeting Law prohibits the Commission from discussing or taking action on an item that is not listed on the prepared agenda. Commissioners may, however, respond to criticism made by those addressing the Commission, ask staff to review a matter, or ask that a matter be placed on a future agenda. To address the Commission on an item that is on the agenda, please wait for the Chair to call for Public Comment at the time the item is heard. REORDER AGENDA APPROVAL OF MINUTES Regular Meeting of February 5, 2014 Special Meeting of March 26, 2014
II. NEW BUSINESS City of Flagstaff – Franklin Avenue Traffic Calming The City was contacted from residents in the area of the Franklin and O’leary intersection in late 2013. The concerns stemmed from a particular high profile vehicle crash at the intersection of Franklin and O’leary and the resident’s observation that the intersection had recently seen a dramatic increase in crashes. Staff conducted speed, volume and crash analysis studies of Franklin Avenue and it’s intersections between Lone Tree Road and San Francisco Street and found that speeds were moderate to acceptable on Franklin, but that the intersection of Franklin and O’leary had a crash rate roughly twice that of it’s peer intersections. Staff has now completed the analysis of Franklin Avenue and has developed several concepts that would reduce speeds on Franklin Avenue and improve the crash rate at the Franklin and O’leary intersection. Staff Recommendation: Action Item – review the staff presentation and discuss the project’s path forward and timeline. III. OLD BUSINESS – None
IV. CONCLUDING GENERAL BUSINESS A. Reports 1. Report from the Bicycle Advisory Committee: 2. Report from the Pedestrian Advisory Committee: 3. Status of Transportation Engineering Program Projects • General update presentation on several projects and work orders performed by Transportation Engineering Staff B. Informational Items to/from Commissioners and Staff 1. Commissioner discussion C. Next Meeting 1. Regular Meeting: August 6, 2014 Tentative Agenda Items: 1. Transportation Tax and Capital Program Updates 2. Franklin Avenue Traffic Calming Project V. ADJOURNMENT