Call to Order, Mission Statement and Roll Call
The City of Flagstaff will be a sustainable, safe and vibrant community retaining the character, high quality of life and charm of a small town. Flagstaff will offer economic opportunities, educational choices, attainable housing, a protected environment and cultural and career opportunities to a diverse population.
Public Participation enables the public to address the Council about an item that is not on the agenda. If you wish to address the Council during Public Participation, it is not necessary to fill out a comment card.
All matters under "consent agenda" are considered by the city council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion approving the recommendations listed on the agenda. Unless otherwise indicated, expenditures approved by council are budgeted items.
Consideration of Construction Manager at Risk Contract: Construction phase service for the Street Maintenance Program 2009- Stimulus.
Consideration of Liquor License Application: Michael Darin Fleming ?Courtyard Marriott?, 2650 S. Beulah Blvd., Series 11, New License.
Consideration of Applicants for Appointments: Sustainability Commission [The City Council may vote to discuss this matter in executive session pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.03(A)(1). The names of the applicants may be obtained by contacting the City Clerk.]
Consideration of Applicants for Appointments: Open Spaces Commission [The City Council may vote to discuss this matter in executive session pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.03(A)(1). The names of the applicants may be obtained by contacting the City Clerk.]
Consideration of Ordinance No. 2009-09: An ordinance of the City Council of the City of Flagstaff, Arizona, extending and increasing the corporate limits of the City of Flagstaff, Coconino County, State of Arizona, pursuant to the provisions of Title 9, Chapter 4, Arizona Revised Statutes, by annexing thereto certain territory contiguous to the existing city limits of the City of Flagstaff.
Consideration of Ordinance No. 2009-10: An ordinance of the City Council of the City of Flagstaff repealing Flagstaff City Code Title 1, Chapter 14, Section 1-14-001-0006, ?Employee Advisory Committee?, and replacing the same with new and updated provisions on the creation of the Employee Advisory Committee, its mission, purpose, objectives, structure, membership, meetings, and definitions governing the same.
Consideration of Ordinance No. 2009-12: An ordinance of the City Council of the City of Flagstaff, Arizona, amending the City of Flagstaff Personnel Policies Section 1-50-030.20, ?Dependent Sick Leave?, updating position titles to match current organizational structure and adding domestic partner benefits; Section 1-50-040, ?Bereavement Leave?, defining immediate family members, adding domestic partner benefits, and defining working day; Section 1-50-100 ?Donated Leave?, updating position titles to match current organization structure and adding domestic partner benefits; amending Section 1-70-010, ?City Group Benefits,? to add domestic partners and new subsections relating to eligibility, definitions, employee and employer contributions, termination of coverage, life insurance, long term disability, flexible spending account, and health savings; adding new Subsection 1-70-020, ?Employee Wellness?; and new Subsection 1-70-030, ?Retiree Insurance?; and new Subsection 1-70-050, ?Uniforms.
Consideration of Resolution No. 2009-22: A resolution adopting rules and regulations for the use of Heritage Square.
Consideration of Resolution No. 2009-22: A resolution adopting rules and regulations for the use of Heritage Square.
Consideration of Resolution No. 2009-23: A resolution approving amendments to the City Council?s Rules of Procedure.
Consideration of Resolution No. 2009-24: A resolution renewing the intergovernmental agreement by and between Flagstaff Unified School District #1 and the City of Flagstaff for the school safety grant awarded by Arizona Department of Education.
Consideration of Resolution No. 2009-25: A resolution of the Flagstaff City Council dedicating a public utility easement at 1901 N. Gemini Drive, Flagstaff, Arizona to those utility companies authorized to provide services within the city.
Consideration of Council Discussion: A resolution supporting a demand side management surcharge for energy efficiency programs for low and moderate income customer of Unisource Energy Services.
Call to Order, Mission Statement and Roll Call
The City of Flagstaff will be a sustainable, safe and vibrant community retaining the character, high quality of life and charm of a small town. Flagstaff will offer economic opportunities, educational choices, attainable housing, a protected environment and cultural and career opportunities to a diverse population.
Public Participation enables the public to address the Council about an item that is not on the agenda. If you wish to address the Council during Public Participation, it is not necessary to fill out a comment card.
All matters under "consent agenda" are considered by the city council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion approving the recommendations listed on the agenda. Unless otherwise indicated, expenditures approved by council are budgeted items.
Consideration of Construction Manager at Risk Contract: Construction phase service for the Street Maintenance Program 2009- Stimulus.
Consideration of Liquor License Application: Michael Darin Fleming ?Courtyard Marriott?, 2650 S. Beulah Blvd., Series 11, New License.
Consideration of Applicants for Appointments: Sustainability Commission [The City Council may vote to discuss this matter in executive session pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.03(A)(1). The names of the applicants may be obtained by contacting the City Clerk.]
Consideration of Applicants for Appointments: Open Spaces Commission [The City Council may vote to discuss this matter in executive session pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.03(A)(1). The names of the applicants may be obtained by contacting the City Clerk.]
Consideration of Ordinance No. 2009-09: An ordinance of the City Council of the City of Flagstaff, Arizona, extending and increasing the corporate limits of the City of Flagstaff, Coconino County, State of Arizona, pursuant to the provisions of Title 9, Chapter 4, Arizona Revised Statutes, by annexing thereto certain territory contiguous to the existing city limits of the City of Flagstaff.
Consideration of Ordinance No. 2009-10: An ordinance of the City Council of the City of Flagstaff repealing Flagstaff City Code Title 1, Chapter 14, Section 1-14-001-0006, ?Employee Advisory Committee?, and replacing the same with new and updated provisions on the creation of the Employee Advisory Committee, its mission, purpose, objectives, structure, membership, meetings, and definitions governing the same.
Consideration of Ordinance No. 2009-12: An ordinance of the City Council of the City of Flagstaff, Arizona, amending the City of Flagstaff Personnel Policies Section 1-50-030.20, ?Dependent Sick Leave?, updating position titles to match current organizational structure and adding domestic partner benefits; Section 1-50-040, ?Bereavement Leave?, defining immediate family members, adding domestic partner benefits, and defining working day; Section 1-50-100 ?Donated Leave?, updating position titles to match current organization structure and adding domestic partner benefits; amending Section 1-70-010, ?City Group Benefits,? to add domestic partners and new subsections relating to eligibility, definitions, employee and employer contributions, termination of coverage, life insurance, long term disability, flexible spending account, and health savings; adding new Subsection 1-70-020, ?Employee Wellness?; and new Subsection 1-70-030, ?Retiree Insurance?; and new Subsection 1-70-050, ?Uniforms.
Consideration of Resolution No. 2009-22: A resolution adopting rules and regulations for the use of Heritage Square.
Consideration of Resolution No. 2009-22: A resolution adopting rules and regulations for the use of Heritage Square.
Consideration of Resolution No. 2009-23: A resolution approving amendments to the City Council?s Rules of Procedure.
Consideration of Resolution No. 2009-24: A resolution renewing the intergovernmental agreement by and between Flagstaff Unified School District #1 and the City of Flagstaff for the school safety grant awarded by Arizona Department of Education.
Consideration of Resolution No. 2009-25: A resolution of the Flagstaff City Council dedicating a public utility easement at 1901 N. Gemini Drive, Flagstaff, Arizona to those utility companies authorized to provide services within the city.
Consideration of Council Discussion: A resolution supporting a demand side management surcharge for energy efficiency programs for low and moderate income customer of Unisource Energy Services.