I. GENERAL BUSINESS A. PUBLIC COMMENT B. CALL FOR NOMINATIONS FOR CHAIRMAN AND VICE CHAIRMAN, AND VOTE TO APPOINT A CHAIRMAN AND A VICE CHAIRMAN C. APPROVAL of MINUTES. 1) April 17, 2013 D. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Informal Announcements, Reconsiderations, Scheduling, Future Agenda Items) II. OLD BUSINESS (Continued, postponed, and tabled items.) None.
III. NEW BUSINESS A. BOA 2014-001: A request for a variance from a requirement of City of Flagstaff Zoning Code Section 10-40.30.050, Table C (Building Form Standards) . The applicant is requesting a variance from the otherwise applicable 25-foot front yard setback requirement. Applicant: Mr. Marc Daniels, on behalf of Property Development Group, LLC. Assessor’s Parcel Number: 113-26-003K B. Presentation on the upcoming vote for ratification of the Flagstaff Regional Plan. C. Update on proposed amendments to the Flagstaff Zoning Code. IV. ADJOURNMENT
I. GENERAL BUSINESS A. PUBLIC COMMENT B. CALL FOR NOMINATIONS FOR CHAIRMAN AND VICE CHAIRMAN, AND VOTE TO APPOINT A CHAIRMAN AND A VICE CHAIRMAN C. APPROVAL of MINUTES. 1) April 17, 2013 D. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Informal Announcements, Reconsiderations, Scheduling, Future Agenda Items) II. OLD BUSINESS (Continued, postponed, and tabled items.) None.
III. NEW BUSINESS A. BOA 2014-001: A request for a variance from a requirement of City of Flagstaff Zoning Code Section 10-40.30.050, Table C (Building Form Standards) . The applicant is requesting a variance from the otherwise applicable 25-foot front yard setback requirement. Applicant: Mr. Marc Daniels, on behalf of Property Development Group, LLC. Assessor’s Parcel Number: 113-26-003K B. Presentation on the upcoming vote for ratification of the Flagstaff Regional Plan. C. Update on proposed amendments to the Flagstaff Zoning Code. IV. ADJOURNMENT