CALL TO ORDER GENERAL BUSINESS A. PUBLIC COMMENT (At this time, any member of the public may address the Commission on any subject within their jurisdiction that is not scheduled before the Commission on that day. Due to Open Meeting Laws, the Commission cannot discuss or act on items presented during this portion of the agenda. To address the Commission on an item that is on the agenda, please wait for the Chair to call for Public Comment at the time the item is heard.) B. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1) Regular meeting of February 24, 2010.
San Francisco de Asis School and Church Address: 1600 W. Route 66 Assessors Parcel Number: 107-07-002D Property Owner: Sheehan Michael Jarboe Apostolic Admin Applicant: San Francisco De Asis Parish Application Number: PC CUP 10-001 City Staff: Vincent Knaggs Action Sought: Conditional Use Permit A Conditional Use Permit for the San Francisco de Asis Parish to construct a 63,300-square-foot, twostory school facility and a 21,350-square-foot, single-story church facility on a 28-acre site located on a privately-owned portion of McMillan Mesa in the HR, High Density Residential Zoning District (Conditional). RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve with conditions.
San Francisco de Asis School and Church Address: 1600 W. Route 66 Assessors Parcel Number: 107-07-002D Property Owner: Sheehan Michael Jarboe Apostolic Admin Applicant: San Francisco De Asis Parish Application Number: PC CUP 10-001 City Staff: Vincent Knaggs Action Sought: Conditional Use Permit A Conditional Use Permit for the San Francisco de Asis Parish to construct a 63,300-square-foot, twostory school facility and a 21,350-square-foot, single-story church facility on a 28-acre site located on a privately-owned portion of McMillan Mesa in the HR, High Density Residential Zoning District (Conditional). RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve with conditions.
III. ADJOURN TO WORKSESSION A. 50 Miles of FUTS Celebration: Presentation and discussion. Pages 31-43 City Staff: Martin Ince, AICP Multi-Modal Planner, Brittani Oatis, Intern IV. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS TO/FROM COMMISSION MEMBERS ADJOURNMENT
CALL TO ORDER GENERAL BUSINESS A. PUBLIC COMMENT (At this time, any member of the public may address the Commission on any subject within their jurisdiction that is not scheduled before the Commission on that day. Due to Open Meeting Laws, the Commission cannot discuss or act on items presented during this portion of the agenda. To address the Commission on an item that is on the agenda, please wait for the Chair to call for Public Comment at the time the item is heard.) B. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1) Regular meeting of February 24, 2010.
San Francisco de Asis School and Church Address: 1600 W. Route 66 Assessors Parcel Number: 107-07-002D Property Owner: Sheehan Michael Jarboe Apostolic Admin Applicant: San Francisco De Asis Parish Application Number: PC CUP 10-001 City Staff: Vincent Knaggs Action Sought: Conditional Use Permit A Conditional Use Permit for the San Francisco de Asis Parish to construct a 63,300-square-foot, twostory school facility and a 21,350-square-foot, single-story church facility on a 28-acre site located on a privately-owned portion of McMillan Mesa in the HR, High Density Residential Zoning District (Conditional). RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve with conditions.
San Francisco de Asis School and Church Address: 1600 W. Route 66 Assessors Parcel Number: 107-07-002D Property Owner: Sheehan Michael Jarboe Apostolic Admin Applicant: San Francisco De Asis Parish Application Number: PC CUP 10-001 City Staff: Vincent Knaggs Action Sought: Conditional Use Permit A Conditional Use Permit for the San Francisco de Asis Parish to construct a 63,300-square-foot, twostory school facility and a 21,350-square-foot, single-story church facility on a 28-acre site located on a privately-owned portion of McMillan Mesa in the HR, High Density Residential Zoning District (Conditional). RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve with conditions.
III. ADJOURN TO WORKSESSION A. 50 Miles of FUTS Celebration: Presentation and discussion. Pages 31-43 City Staff: Martin Ince, AICP Multi-Modal Planner, Brittani Oatis, Intern IV. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS TO/FROM COMMISSION MEMBERS ADJOURNMENT