I. GENERAL BUSINESS A. PUBLIC COMMENT (At this time, any member of the public may address the Commission on any subject within their jurisdiction that is not scheduled before the Commission on that day. Due to Open Meeting Laws, the Commission cannot discuss or act on items presented during this portion of the agenda. To address the Commission on an item that is on the agenda, please wait for the Chair to call for Public Comment at the time the item is heard.) B. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1) Regular meeting of October 23, 2013. II. PUBLIC HEARING 1) AT&T Mobility Corporation, 4:00PM Pages 1-25 Pages 1-43 Address: 5757 East Bear Paw Drive Assessor’s Parcel Number: 117-34-056 Property Owner: Continental Country Club Applicant: AT&T Mobility Application Number: PC CUP 2013-0005 City Staff: Elaine Averitt Action Sought: Conditional Use Permit A Conditional Use Permit for AT&T Mobility to allow placement of a new 53-foot tall monopine cellular tower with 9 antennas at the 44-foot level in the monopine, to facilitate wireless communications, located on a 1.3-acre parcel at 5757 Bear Paw Drive, within the HR, High Density Residential zone. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends the Planning and Zoning Commission grant the requested conditional use with the requirements included in the attached Conditional Use Permit No. 2013-0005. 2) Little America Hotels & Resorts, 5:00PM Pages 1-15 Address: 2515 E Butler Avenue Assessor’s Parcel Number: 106-09-001, 106-09-002, 106-04-005B, 106-04-009F, 106-10-002, 106-10-001D, 106-10-001C, 106-10-001B, 104-12-004 Property Owner: Holding Family Applicant: Little America Hotels & Resorts, Inc. Application Number: PSPR 2013-0013 City Staff: Kimberly Sharp Action Sought: Major Regional Land Use and Transportation Plan Amendment A Major Regional Plan Amendment request from Design Workshop, Inc. on behalf of the Holding Family, to amend land use designations of approximately 505 acres located at 2515 E Butler Avenue from Planning Reserve Area (PRA) to Regional Commercial, High-Density, Medium Density, and Low Density Residential, and Urban Open Space. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends the Planning and Zoning Commission forward the Major Regional Land Use and Transportation Plan Amendment to the City Council with a recommendation for approval with conditions. III. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS TO/FROM COMMISSION MEMBERS ADJOURNMENT
I. GENERAL BUSINESS A. PUBLIC COMMENT (At this time, any member of the public may address the Commission on any subject within their jurisdiction that is not scheduled before the Commission on that day. Due to Open Meeting Laws, the Commission cannot discuss or act on items presented during this portion of the agenda. To address the Commission on an item that is on the agenda, please wait for the Chair to call for Public Comment at the time the item is heard.) B. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1) Regular meeting of October 23, 2013. II. PUBLIC HEARING 1) AT&T Mobility Corporation, 4:00PM Pages 1-25 Pages 1-43 Address: 5757 East Bear Paw Drive Assessor’s Parcel Number: 117-34-056 Property Owner: Continental Country Club Applicant: AT&T Mobility Application Number: PC CUP 2013-0005 City Staff: Elaine Averitt Action Sought: Conditional Use Permit A Conditional Use Permit for AT&T Mobility to allow placement of a new 53-foot tall monopine cellular tower with 9 antennas at the 44-foot level in the monopine, to facilitate wireless communications, located on a 1.3-acre parcel at 5757 Bear Paw Drive, within the HR, High Density Residential zone. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends the Planning and Zoning Commission grant the requested conditional use with the requirements included in the attached Conditional Use Permit No. 2013-0005. 2) Little America Hotels & Resorts, 5:00PM Pages 1-15 Address: 2515 E Butler Avenue Assessor’s Parcel Number: 106-09-001, 106-09-002, 106-04-005B, 106-04-009F, 106-10-002, 106-10-001D, 106-10-001C, 106-10-001B, 104-12-004 Property Owner: Holding Family Applicant: Little America Hotels & Resorts, Inc. Application Number: PSPR 2013-0013 City Staff: Kimberly Sharp Action Sought: Major Regional Land Use and Transportation Plan Amendment A Major Regional Plan Amendment request from Design Workshop, Inc. on behalf of the Holding Family, to amend land use designations of approximately 505 acres located at 2515 E Butler Avenue from Planning Reserve Area (PRA) to Regional Commercial, High-Density, Medium Density, and Low Density Residential, and Urban Open Space. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends the Planning and Zoning Commission forward the Major Regional Land Use and Transportation Plan Amendment to the City Council with a recommendation for approval with conditions. III. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS TO/FROM COMMISSION MEMBERS ADJOURNMENT
I. GENERAL BUSINESS A. PUBLIC COMMENT (At this time, any member of the public may address the Commission on any subject within their jurisdiction that is not scheduled before the Commission on that day. Due to Open Meeting Laws, the Commission cannot discuss or act on items presented during this portion of the agenda. To address the Commission on an item that is on the agenda, please wait for the Chair to call for Public Comment at the time the item is heard.) B. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1) Regular meeting of October 23, 2013. II. PUBLIC HEARING 1) AT&T Mobility Corporation, 4:00PM Pages 1-25 Pages 1-43 Address: 5757 East Bear Paw Drive Assessor’s Parcel Number: 117-34-056 Property Owner: Continental Country Club Applicant: AT&T Mobility Application Number: PC CUP 2013-0005 City Staff: Elaine Averitt Action Sought: Conditional Use Permit A Conditional Use Permit for AT&T Mobility to allow placement of a new 53-foot tall monopine cellular tower with 9 antennas at the 44-foot level in the monopine, to facilitate wireless communications, located on a 1.3-acre parcel at 5757 Bear Paw Drive, within the HR, High Density Residential zone. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends the Planning and Zoning Commission grant the requested conditional use with the requirements included in the attached Conditional Use Permit No. 2013-0005. 2) Little America Hotels & Resorts, 5:00PM Pages 1-15 Address: 2515 E Butler Avenue Assessor’s Parcel Number: 106-09-001, 106-09-002, 106-04-005B, 106-04-009F, 106-10-002, 106-10-001D, 106-10-001C, 106-10-001B, 104-12-004 Property Owner: Holding Family Applicant: Little America Hotels & Resorts, Inc. Application Number: PSPR 2013-0013 City Staff: Kimberly Sharp Action Sought: Major Regional Land Use and Transportation Plan Amendment A Major Regional Plan Amendment request from Design Workshop, Inc. on behalf of the Holding Family, to amend land use designations of approximately 505 acres located at 2515 E Butler Avenue from Planning Reserve Area (PRA) to Regional Commercial, High-Density, Medium Density, and Low Density Residential, and Urban Open Space. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends the Planning and Zoning Commission forward the Major Regional Land Use and Transportation Plan Amendment to the City Council with a recommendation for approval with conditions. III. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS TO/FROM COMMISSION MEMBERS ADJOURNMENT
I. GENERAL BUSINESS A. PUBLIC COMMENT (At this time, any member of the public may address the Commission on any subject within their jurisdiction that is not scheduled before the Commission on that day. Due to Open Meeting Laws, the Commission cannot discuss or act on items presented during this portion of the agenda. To address the Commission on an item that is on the agenda, please wait for the Chair to call for Public Comment at the time the item is heard.) B. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1) Regular meeting of October 23, 2013. II. PUBLIC HEARING 1) AT&T Mobility Corporation, 4:00PM Pages 1-25 Pages 1-43 Address: 5757 East Bear Paw Drive Assessor’s Parcel Number: 117-34-056 Property Owner: Continental Country Club Applicant: AT&T Mobility Application Number: PC CUP 2013-0005 City Staff: Elaine Averitt Action Sought: Conditional Use Permit A Conditional Use Permit for AT&T Mobility to allow placement of a new 53-foot tall monopine cellular tower with 9 antennas at the 44-foot level in the monopine, to facilitate wireless communications, located on a 1.3-acre parcel at 5757 Bear Paw Drive, within the HR, High Density Residential zone. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends the Planning and Zoning Commission grant the requested conditional use with the requirements included in the attached Conditional Use Permit No. 2013-0005. 2) Little America Hotels & Resorts, 5:00PM Pages 1-15 Address: 2515 E Butler Avenue Assessor’s Parcel Number: 106-09-001, 106-09-002, 106-04-005B, 106-04-009F, 106-10-002, 106-10-001D, 106-10-001C, 106-10-001B, 104-12-004 Property Owner: Holding Family Applicant: Little America Hotels & Resorts, Inc. Application Number: PSPR 2013-0013 City Staff: Kimberly Sharp Action Sought: Major Regional Land Use and Transportation Plan Amendment A Major Regional Plan Amendment request from Design Workshop, Inc. on behalf of the Holding Family, to amend land use designations of approximately 505 acres located at 2515 E Butler Avenue from Planning Reserve Area (PRA) to Regional Commercial, High-Density, Medium Density, and Low Density Residential, and Urban Open Space. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends the Planning and Zoning Commission forward the Major Regional Land Use and Transportation Plan Amendment to the City Council with a recommendation for approval with conditions. III. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS TO/FROM COMMISSION MEMBERS ADJOURNMENT
I. GENERAL BUSINESS A. PUBLIC COMMENT (At this time, any member of the public may address the Commission on any subject within their jurisdiction that is not scheduled before the Commission on that day. Due to Open Meeting Laws, the Commission cannot discuss or act on items presented during this portion of the agenda. To address the Commission on an item that is on the agenda, please wait for the Chair to call for Public Comment at the time the item is heard.) B. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1) Regular meeting of October 23, 2013. II. PUBLIC HEARING 1) AT&T Mobility Corporation, 4:00PM Pages 1-25 Pages 1-43 Address: 5757 East Bear Paw Drive Assessor’s Parcel Number: 117-34-056 Property Owner: Continental Country Club Applicant: AT&T Mobility Application Number: PC CUP 2013-0005 City Staff: Elaine Averitt Action Sought: Conditional Use Permit A Conditional Use Permit for AT&T Mobility to allow placement of a new 53-foot tall monopine cellular tower with 9 antennas at the 44-foot level in the monopine, to facilitate wireless communications, located on a 1.3-acre parcel at 5757 Bear Paw Drive, within the HR, High Density Residential zone. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends the Planning and Zoning Commission grant the requested conditional use with the requirements included in the attached Conditional Use Permit No. 2013-0005. 2) Little America Hotels & Resorts, 5:00PM Pages 1-15 Address: 2515 E Butler Avenue Assessor’s Parcel Number: 106-09-001, 106-09-002, 106-04-005B, 106-04-009F, 106-10-002, 106-10-001D, 106-10-001C, 106-10-001B, 104-12-004 Property Owner: Holding Family Applicant: Little America Hotels & Resorts, Inc. Application Number: PSPR 2013-0013 City Staff: Kimberly Sharp Action Sought: Major Regional Land Use and Transportation Plan Amendment A Major Regional Plan Amendment request from Design Workshop, Inc. on behalf of the Holding Family, to amend land use designations of approximately 505 acres located at 2515 E Butler Avenue from Planning Reserve Area (PRA) to Regional Commercial, High-Density, Medium Density, and Low Density Residential, and Urban Open Space. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends the Planning and Zoning Commission forward the Major Regional Land Use and Transportation Plan Amendment to the City Council with a recommendation for approval with conditions. III. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS TO/FROM COMMISSION MEMBERS ADJOURNMENT
I. GENERAL BUSINESS A. PUBLIC COMMENT (At this time, any member of the public may address the Commission on any subject within their jurisdiction that is not scheduled before the Commission on that day. Due to Open Meeting Laws, the Commission cannot discuss or act on items presented during this portion of the agenda. To address the Commission on an item that is on the agenda, please wait for the Chair to call for Public Comment at the time the item is heard.) B. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1) Regular meeting of October 23, 2013. II. PUBLIC HEARING 1) AT&T Mobility Corporation, 4:00PM Pages 1-25 Pages 1-43 Address: 5757 East Bear Paw Drive Assessor’s Parcel Number: 117-34-056 Property Owner: Continental Country Club Applicant: AT&T Mobility Application Number: PC CUP 2013-0005 City Staff: Elaine Averitt Action Sought: Conditional Use Permit A Conditional Use Permit for AT&T Mobility to allow placement of a new 53-foot tall monopine cellular tower with 9 antennas at the 44-foot level in the monopine, to facilitate wireless communications, located on a 1.3-acre parcel at 5757 Bear Paw Drive, within the HR, High Density Residential zone. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends the Planning and Zoning Commission grant the requested conditional use with the requirements included in the attached Conditional Use Permit No. 2013-0005. 2) Little America Hotels & Resorts, 5:00PM Pages 1-15 Address: 2515 E Butler Avenue Assessor’s Parcel Number: 106-09-001, 106-09-002, 106-04-005B, 106-04-009F, 106-10-002, 106-10-001D, 106-10-001C, 106-10-001B, 104-12-004 Property Owner: Holding Family Applicant: Little America Hotels & Resorts, Inc. Application Number: PSPR 2013-0013 City Staff: Kimberly Sharp Action Sought: Major Regional Land Use and Transportation Plan Amendment A Major Regional Plan Amendment request from Design Workshop, Inc. on behalf of the Holding Family, to amend land use designations of approximately 505 acres located at 2515 E Butler Avenue from Planning Reserve Area (PRA) to Regional Commercial, High-Density, Medium Density, and Low Density Residential, and Urban Open Space. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends the Planning and Zoning Commission forward the Major Regional Land Use and Transportation Plan Amendment to the City Council with a recommendation for approval with conditions. III. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS TO/FROM COMMISSION MEMBERS ADJOURNMENT