GENERAL BUSINESS A. PUBLIC COMMENT (At this time, any member of the public may address the Commission on any subject within their jurisdiction that is not scheduled before the Commission on that day. Due to Open Meeting Laws, the Commission cannot discuss or act on items presented during this portion of the agenda. To address the Commission on an item that is on the agenda, please wait for the Chair to call for Public Comment at the time the item is heard.) B. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1) Regular meeting of November 13, 2013.
PUBLIC HEARING A. ZONING MAP AMENDMENT FOR JACQITA BAILEY Pages 1-18 Address: 515 North San Francisco Street Assessor’s Parcel Number: 101-09-006B Property Owner: Jacqita Bailey Applicant: CoF – Heritage Preservation Commission Application Number: PREZ 2013-0003 City Staff: Tiffany Antol Action Sought: Zoning Map Amendment A Zoning Map amendment request from the City of Flagstaff Heritage Preservation Commission, on behalf of the property owner, Jacqita Bailey, for approximately 0.16 acres located at 515 N. San Francisco St to add Landmarks Overlay (LO) Zone to the existing zoning classifications of Single-Family Residential Neighborhood (RIN) Zone. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends the Planning and Zoning Commission forward the Zoning Map amendment to the City Council with a recommendation for approval. B. ZONING MAP AMENDMENT FOR HOTEL DUBEAU Pages 19-41 Address: 19 West Phoenix Avenue Assessor’s Parcel Number: 100-41-014 Property Owner: Hillside Enterprises, LLC Applicant: CoF – Heritage Preservation Commission Application Number: PREZ 2013-0004 City Staff: Tiffany Antol Action Sought: Zoning Map Amendment A Zoning Map amendment request from the City of Flagstaff Heritage Preservation Commission, on behalf of the property owner, Hillside Enterprises, LLC, for approximately 0.26 acres located at 19 W. Phoenix Avenue to add Landmarks Overlay (LO) Zone to the existing zoning classifications of Community Commercial (CC) and T5 Main Street Transect Zone. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends the Planning and Zoning Commission forward the Zoning Map amendment to the City Council with a recommendation for approval. C. ZONING MAP AMENDMENT FOR CITY OF FLAGSTAFF Pages 42-58 Address: 211 West Aspen Ave Assessor’s Parcel Number: 113-06-003 Property Owner: City of Flagstaff Applicant: CoF – Heritage Preservation Commission Application Number: PREZ 2013-0005 City Staff: Tiffany Antol Action Sought: Zoning Map Amendment A Zoning Map amendment request from the City of Flagstaff Heritage Preservation Commission, on behalf of the property owner, City of Flagstaff, for approximately 400.16 acres located in Section 4, Township 21 North, Range 8 East to add Landmarks Overlay (LO) Zone to the existing zoning classifications of Rural Residential (RR) Zone. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends the Planning and Zoning Commission forward the Zoning Map amendment to the City Council with a recommendation for approval.
GENERAL BUSINESS A. PUBLIC COMMENT (At this time, any member of the public may address the Commission on any subject within their jurisdiction that is not scheduled before the Commission on that day. Due to Open Meeting Laws, the Commission cannot discuss or act on items presented during this portion of the agenda. To address the Commission on an item that is on the agenda, please wait for the Chair to call for Public Comment at the time the item is heard.) B. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1) Regular meeting of November 13, 2013.
PUBLIC HEARING A. ZONING MAP AMENDMENT FOR JACQITA BAILEY Pages 1-18 Address: 515 North San Francisco Street Assessor’s Parcel Number: 101-09-006B Property Owner: Jacqita Bailey Applicant: CoF – Heritage Preservation Commission Application Number: PREZ 2013-0003 City Staff: Tiffany Antol Action Sought: Zoning Map Amendment A Zoning Map amendment request from the City of Flagstaff Heritage Preservation Commission, on behalf of the property owner, Jacqita Bailey, for approximately 0.16 acres located at 515 N. San Francisco St to add Landmarks Overlay (LO) Zone to the existing zoning classifications of Single-Family Residential Neighborhood (RIN) Zone. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends the Planning and Zoning Commission forward the Zoning Map amendment to the City Council with a recommendation for approval. B. ZONING MAP AMENDMENT FOR HOTEL DUBEAU Pages 19-41 Address: 19 West Phoenix Avenue Assessor’s Parcel Number: 100-41-014 Property Owner: Hillside Enterprises, LLC Applicant: CoF – Heritage Preservation Commission Application Number: PREZ 2013-0004 City Staff: Tiffany Antol Action Sought: Zoning Map Amendment A Zoning Map amendment request from the City of Flagstaff Heritage Preservation Commission, on behalf of the property owner, Hillside Enterprises, LLC, for approximately 0.26 acres located at 19 W. Phoenix Avenue to add Landmarks Overlay (LO) Zone to the existing zoning classifications of Community Commercial (CC) and T5 Main Street Transect Zone. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends the Planning and Zoning Commission forward the Zoning Map amendment to the City Council with a recommendation for approval. C. ZONING MAP AMENDMENT FOR CITY OF FLAGSTAFF Pages 42-58 Address: 211 West Aspen Ave Assessor’s Parcel Number: 113-06-003 Property Owner: City of Flagstaff Applicant: CoF – Heritage Preservation Commission Application Number: PREZ 2013-0005 City Staff: Tiffany Antol Action Sought: Zoning Map Amendment A Zoning Map amendment request from the City of Flagstaff Heritage Preservation Commission, on behalf of the property owner, City of Flagstaff, for approximately 400.16 acres located in Section 4, Township 21 North, Range 8 East to add Landmarks Overlay (LO) Zone to the existing zoning classifications of Rural Residential (RR) Zone. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends the Planning and Zoning Commission forward the Zoning Map amendment to the City Council with a recommendation for approval.